Intro Episode: Welcome to “Audacious Weaving, Dreaming, and Creations”


Hey there, this is Nathalie with Power Shift Network. We can’t express enough how happy we are to have you tuning into our most recent project!

Here at Power Shift, a central piece of our theory of change is the belief that artists and cultural organizers should be at the heart of the climate justice movement.

Artists play a critical storytelling role in movement spaces, helping societies to invent bold and imaginative futures by honoring the wisdom and learnings of the present and past. In order to put that theory into practice, we’ve contacted some amazing artivists and asked them to share their stories.

We hope that in these stories you see a reflection of yourself, of the movement, and of the celebration and grief that comes with navigating the climate crisis.


Theme music : Water Fluid - Music by ItsWatR from Pixabay


Episode 1: “Commit to Keep Fighting” by Amir Khadar