Climate Storytelling Project

Climate Storytelling Project

Read our climate justice storybook, “Audacious Weaving, Dreaming, & Creations” below!

The story behind “Audacious Weaving, Dreaming, & Creations”

Power Shift Network produced a multimedia storybook— Audacious Weaving, Dreaming, & Creations— which features 10 BIPOC artist-activists who are either using art as an organizing tool, or using climate movement values to influence and inform their artistic practice.

Artists and cultural organizers should be at the heart of the climate justice movement. Artists play a critical storytelling role in movement spaces, helping societies to invent bold and imaginative futures by honoring the wisdom and learnings of the present and past.

This will be the inspiration point and anchor for the Arts & Culture programming at Power Shift 2023 ,with the ultimate goal of deepening the collective knowledge of the youth climate movement around the histories of settler colonialism, racial capitalism, and the ways in which the climate crisis is a threat multiplier for literally every social justice issue.

The storybook exists digitally (above) and will be available for pre-order for folks who want a physical copy.

PSN Storybook (8.5 × 11 in) by Nathalie Peña

Behind the scenes of the illustration process by illustrator Vy Vu

The Team Behind The Project

A black and white photo of Kourtney smiling at the camera with their eyes closed. They're wearing a beanie and a hoodie. They have 2 nose piercings.

Kourtney Dunning

Saren is leaning against nearby yellow flowers. They have a buzz cut, a black v neck top that exposes their butterfly tattoo and are wearing lavender colored pants.

Saren Glenn

Nathalie has a big smile on her face and is sitting on a green velvet chair with her elbows over her knees. She has short curly hair with bangs, round framed glasses and green and pink dangly earrings. She is wearing a lime green and light pink color

Nathalie Peña

Akilah has long brown hair framing the right side of their face. She is wearing a dark blue deep v top with slightly ruffled design on the strap. She has long dangly earrings and brown framed glasses. She is standing in front of a wooded area.

Akilah Sanders-Reed

Audrey has bright blue hair in a pixie cut and is wearing black framed glasses. They're smiling with their mouth open towards the camera.

Audrey Suarez

Mayana has honey brown curly hair down to her shoulders. She is wearing a black, brown and white printed top. She has a wide smile and is looking at the camera

Mayana Nell Torres